Listen to the experience of the real protagonists

5th-6th grade student
CEIP Julio Pinto
(currently CEIP Carmen Hernández)

5th-6th grade student
CEIP Ciudad de Columbia

6th grade student
CEIP Ciudad de Nejapa
Read about the experience of the Therese’s student
5th and 6th grade

To be organized, Therese taught us a very effective way, which was having our agenda open on the table (desk). To write the homework faster, we wrote “L” instead of Lengua and “M” instead of maths.
I consider the whiteboards a great method to learn. It (They) entertain kids, helps them communicate with their classmates and at the same time recycle, (avoid using so much paper.)
I had never used this type of method with any other teacher other than Therese and I still don’t use it in High School, but I think it’s a great to encourage students to learn and be more interested in learning.
Personally, I think this is one of the most important things needed for the students. It helps them relax one day from having to go to class, share ideas or opinions about anything with their classmates and get to know more about each other. Also, at the
same time they’re spending time together, they are learning. One of my examples is our trip to the Prado Museum.
Most High School teachers use a presentation and start talking. The students need to be in silence. Sometimes we do activities in groups, but not very often. I personally learn best by talking with someone else and sharing a conversation. That way we help each other and don’t get that bored.

In class the organization was important, we had everything prepared at the desk so as not to waste time and make the most of the class.
These are details that we have continued to maintain in successive courses.
In my case, Therese really helped me with organization in the agenda, and now having it on the desk is like a habit, and I everyday take at least 5 min to look at it to calm down looking at the calendar, planning how many days I’ll study for my exams.
The use of whiteboards in class was very useful.
It was great to be able to write and correct as many times as we wanted. It was also a novelty incorporated into daily work and of course at very little cost, which was also very important: a sheet of paper inside a plastic sleeve and a marker. A magnificent idea!
I personally love class trips and think it’s a way of
having a «free day» but at the same time it is not,
because we still learn. Well, at least the ones who want to do it. But I’m sure that the students who are not interested on the subject of the trip and just go
there to miss class, still end up having at least a
bit of interest on it and end up learning. Also
having a really organized trip will not fail and everyone will have fun, like the one we did with
Therese to the Prado Museum. In this trip we could bring parents to be in charge of a group of students and this made it so much fun. I got to bring my dad and at the end of the day we were all very happy about the trip.
At the beginning of the course it´s always silent
and monotonous classes, but with Therese it was
a totally different thing, and this was what completely made us fall in love with her from the
beginning, that she was herself every day and always showed a smile (obviously not all of the
time because we all have a bad day).
For me, to really understand the class, I work
better alone but I know many people does work
better in teams or participating all the class, and
this is how all of Therese’s classes were imparted
(taught). I’m really sure it is because of her method of teaching that all of us (the students) are still really good friends between us. Also with her, we made such important bonds between us.
Because (of this) she will always be one of our
best teachers.

We had to have the agenda on the
desk because if we had to write the homework or other things to remember, we could written (write) it very quickly without spending time to take it out of our school bags.
I think working with mini whiteboards is a good idea because we can relax a little bit of all the
stress of the classes.
Sometimes we shared our ideas with our partners and improved our answers together.
Before class with Therese, I used whiteboards a little.
In High School I never used whiteboards.
I think it’s very important because doing that we learn new things, we have very much fun and with share with others a very great time and experience.
Most of the teachers in High School give class normal, like other teachers. The truth about High
School teachers is that they let us like more free. (We have to work on our own.)
We have to be silent in class.
Sometimes we work in teams.
It depends on the teacher.
Movement Triple-T Teaching